I have some stuff on my mind and I'm sure you do too - so come, sit, let's catch up & relax.
** I took a free calligraphy class last weekend and it was SO fun, I hope I can perfect my horrible handwriting and learn to write pretty. If you are interested in any April Classes Click HERE to sign up.
** I'm obsessed with florals. Real Flowers. Drawings of flowers. Anything and Everything flowers! I have even been contemplating a half sleeve - my husband shot down the tattoo idea REAL fast but I'm dreaming...
** Bootsy. Goodness I miss that puppy so so so much. She was going to be that dog that was around forever, the perfect mannered, spoiled pup - and that is when reality wound up and slapped me in the face; and yep it still stings!
** There is something so rejuvenating about Holy Week. I love everything about it, especially these next days - The honor yet sadness of The Last Supper - The goosebump inducing somber experience of Good Friday - and finally the most Glorious day finding out HE LIVES on Easter
I'll leave you with those thoughts of mine and I'm off to church.

still thinking of you and your dog. keep her spirit alive.