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Sunday, December 16, 2018

Growing Baby Rote2: 27 Weeks

How far along:  27 Weeks

I’m feeling: little more tired this week than usual, later in the week I also had a horribly itchy belly - so my skin must be stretching good this week!

Total weight gain: 20 lbs - feels good to keep the same weight over a week

Baby Rote’s size: Around the size of a cucumber {15in, 2.2lbs} apparently now the measurements for length are from head to toe instead of head to butt ... so maybe they will be more consistent from here on out

This week: I had Wednesday off from work and took it as a me day to get some last minute Christmas shopping done and get a massage - it was lovely! We also took Quinn's Nuk away this week, on Thursday so I thought that was going to be hell but it was a very smooth transition!!
Today we made Christmas cookies at Grandma Holly's.

Maternity clothes: nothing new in this department

Sleep: still sleeping great!

Best moment this week: Steve getting the baby room painted - oh and Quinn helped too haha

Movement: He or She is still having a blast swimming all over in there

Food cravings: Bought a whole cheesecake at Costco again this week, sooo maybe that was my craving of the week

Food aversions: nothing!

Belly button in or out: out but thankfully getting more flat

Looking forward to: Christmas Celebrations starting this coming weekend!

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