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Friday, November 21, 2014

Gratitude Friday | 2nd Edition

Tuning in today to bring you another Edition of gratefulness and thankfulness - Thanks to Ashten for reminding me to take time to give thanks!!

// My Health might always be something I am GRATEFUL for....Well, as long as I'm healthy I guess. {knock on wood} My facebook feed this week had some sad things dealing with other people's bad health so I pray for them and their families and I am reminded not to take mine for granted

// Red Velvet Donuts << I'm GRATEFUL for them and I don't think an explanation is needed

// I am GRATEFUL for technology, doctors, and my new sight. I am still in shock that I can wake up and see. I got Lasik on Tuesday and less than 24hrs after surgery I could see better than 20/20

// I am GRATEFUL for Blates and babies and meeting this sweet sweet Friend in real life

// GRATEFUL for our puppy who is pushing 80lbs and will be 8 months in 2weeks - oh how she makes me smile and brightens my day

// Two bloggers this week had posts that made me say YEESSS. So, I am GRATEFUL for them and my empty womb >> Read Melanie's Post >> Read Krista's Post

// My caring husband, for him I am GRATEFUL. He picked me up from eye surgery and it was so heartwarming to see him take care of me. Again {knock on wood} I've never been sick so this was kind of a first!!

// Crazy GRATEFUL for my Instagram followers - and if you are one of them Thank You. I felt very loved there this week *Heart Eye Emoji*

What made you Grateful this week?

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  1. You are so kind and I'm so glad you loved my post. At least I know sometimes my quips are well thought out. Have a great weekend!

  2. Love this post! Awesome things to be thankful for!
    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  3. Those moments you can shout Me Too after reading a post are The Best, so thanks for writing it!!

  4. Thanks so much ;-) when you reflect on all you have it is so heartwarming!!
