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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

start of 27

Today is my birthday and I'm going to smile. 

It may be a forced smile because {let's face it} those have been quite frequent since the 12th. 

My Birthday Wish is one of grand impossibility so I guess I'll just wish for a day with no tears.

- - -

Tonight our home and table will be filled with loved ones - in celebration of me and the 27th year. So the 3 year countdown is on - looks like I have some work to do on my 30 Before 30 List

I pray 27 is grand and the bitter ending of 26 will hopefully soon be filled with joy and happiness. 

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  1. Katie @ A Beautiful Little AdvMarch 24, 2015 at 9:38 AM

    Happy Birthday! And I hope sweet and happy memories can bring a smile to your face today despite the heartache you are feeling.

  2. Hope you can have a happy birthday despite your sadness. I know that won't be I'll send big hugs and happy thoughts your way.

  3. I feel for you. Hope you had as good of a time as possible. Happy belated birthday. ;-)
